Hi, this is quangtiencs’s log, a homepage of my engineering life. I am Tien Le-Quang (Lê Quang Tiến), a ˈdeɪtə dɪˈtektɪv (a.k.a data detective or data scientist).
With a lifelong learning mindset, I am on the road to becoming a wizardly statistician, a world-class engineer :D
As a critical-thinking practitioner, my opinions are always subject to rethinking and revision. If you find any mistakes, please do not hesitate to give me feedback.
Fun fact: quangtiencs means quangtien cơm sườn (with computer science and counter strike).
Primary interests:
- Real-world applications: Prediction system, Causal reasoning, Ranking system, Search system, and some applications of Natural language processing.
- Machine learning methodologies: Bayesian Inference, Probabilistic Deep Learning, Probabilistic Graphical Models,… and some related topics!
- Algorithm for optimizations: Bandit Algorithms, Constraint Programming (CP-SAT problem).
- Formulating a research question that’s related to a business problem.
- Programming languages: Python, Julia, Typescript/Javascript (and a little bit of R, Scala, Kotlin)
- Good at data visualizations. Visualization Libraries: d3js, bokeh, matplotlib.
- Proficient in writing complex SQL queries to extract, load, and transform data from various sources.
- Machine learning frameworks: Scikit-Learn, Catboost, Keras 3, Jax, PyTorch, Turing.jl.
- Operations research tools: Google-Ortools, cvxpy.
- Soft skills: open-minded, critical thinking, love sharing.
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`-- README.md