How DuckDB transformed my data science workflow

How DuckDB transformed my data science workflow


January 13, 2024

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is essential in the data science workflow. As a data scientist, and the necessity arises, I need a tool capable of effectively facing various challenges:

DuckDB is an open-source database that provides these functionalities with efficiency, reliability, and ease of use.

For more technical details, you can visit the link: Why DuckDB

Source code (python only) of this post you can find at GitHub: quangtiencs/duckdb-tutorial.

1. Multiple sources and easy to integrate

DuckDB supports two types of connection:

  1. In memory: data is not persisted to disk. Suitable for ad hoc queries.
  2. Persisted to disk: given a file, all tables, indexes, constraints, views, etc., will be stored in a single file.
import duckdb
1con = duckdb.connect()
2# con = duckdb.connect("duckdb.db")
In memory
or persisted to disk
Loading required package: DBI
1con <- dbConnect(duckdb())
2# con <- dbConnect(duckdb(), dbdir = "duckdb", read_only = FALSE)
In memory
or persisted to disk

In memory mode, just open terminal and run command:


or persisted to disk

duckdb duckdb.db

DuckDB quickly loads data from diverse sources without boilerplate code. Without configuration, DuckDB auto-detects types and dialects (for some data sources, e.g. csv, json).

query_result = con.query("""
SELECT * FROM 'titanic.csv';

FROM titanic
│ PassengerId │ Survived │ Pclass │   Lname   │ … │ Parch │      Ticket      │  Fare   │  Cabin  │ Embarked │
│    int64    │  int64   │ int64  │  varchar  │   │ int64 │     varchar      │ double  │ varchar │ varchar  │
│           1 │        0 │      3 │ Braund    │ … │     0 │ A/5 21171        │    7.25 │ NULL    │ S        │
│           2 │        1 │      1 │ Cumings   │ … │     0 │ PC 17599         │ 71.2833 │ C85     │ C        │
│           3 │        1 │      3 │ Heikkinen │ … │     0 │ STON/O2. 3101282 │   7.925 │ NULL    │ S        │
│           4 │        1 │      1 │ Futrelle  │ … │     0 │ 113803           │    53.1 │ C123    │ S        │
│           5 │        0 │      3 │ Allen     │ … │     0 │ 373450           │    8.05 │ NULL    │ S        │
│           6 │        0 │      3 │ Moran     │ … │     0 │ 330877           │  8.4583 │ NULL    │ Q        │
│           7 │        0 │      1 │ McCarthy  │ … │     0 │ 17463            │ 51.8625 │ E46     │ S        │
│ 7 rows                                                                               13 columns (9 shown) │

We can easily convert query_result object to pandas dataframe by:

df = query_result.df()
print(f"Type: {type(df)}")
Type: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
print(f"Shape: { df.shape }")
Shape: (7, 13)
dbExecute(con, "
SELECT * FROM 'titanic.csv';
[1] 156
# retrieve the items again
res <- dbGetQuery(con, "
FROM titanic
  PassengerId Survived Pclass     Lname
1           1        0      3    Braund
2           2        1      1   Cumings
3           3        1      3 Heikkinen
4           4        1      1  Futrelle
5           5        0      3     Allen
6           6        0      3     Moran
7           7        0      1  McCarthy
                                         Name    Sex Age SibSp Parch
1                             Mr. Owen Harris   male  22     1     0
2  Mrs. John Bradley (Florence Briggs Thayer) female  38     1     0
3                                 Miss. Laina female  26     0     0
4          Mrs. Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel) female  35     1     0
5                           Mr. William Henry   male  35     0     0
6                                   Mr. James   male  NA     0     0
7                               Mr. Timothy J   male  54     0     0
            Ticket    Fare Cabin Embarked
1        A/5 21171  7.2500  <NA>        S
2         PC 17599 71.2833   C85        C
3 STON/O2. 3101282  7.9250  <NA>        S
4           113803 53.1000  C123        S
5           373450  8.0500  <NA>        S
6           330877  8.4583  <NA>        Q
7            17463 51.8625   E46        S
[1] "list"

And more…

2. Simplified Pivot Statement

Pivot statement helps us reorganize data in a table that allows we to create a new table with new columns based on distinct values (in the original table).

DuckDB supports SQL Standard PIVOT syntax and Simplified PIVOT syntax. Simplified PIVOT syntax is more intuitive. Try it!

PIVOT [dataset] 
ON [columns] 
USING [values] 
GROUP BY [rows]
ORDER BY [columns-with-order-directions]
LIMIT [limit-of-rows];

For example, if we want to convert gender to new columns and count survived classes of each gender.

pivot_result = con.query("""
PIVOT titanic ON Sex USING COUNT(*) GROUP BY  Survived

|    |   Survived |   female |   male |
|  0 |          0 |       16 |     86 |
|  1 |          1 |       40 |     14 |
pivot_result <- dbGetQuery(con, "
PIVOT titanic ON Sex USING COUNT(*) GROUP BY  Survived
  Survived female male
1        0     16   86
2        1     40   14

3. Join syntax is less messy compared with Pandas dataframe

Joining two tables is a common task in data analysis. Although Pandas pd.merge API worked well, the problem is when you have multiple tables (data frame), it becomes verbose.

Consider this example (adapt from pandas documentation):

import pandas as pd

left_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "key": ["K0", "K1", "K2", "K3"],
        "A": ["A0", "A1", "A2", "A3"],
        "B": ["B0", "B1", "B2", "B3"],
|    | key   | A   | B   |
|  0 | K0    | A0  | B0  |
|  1 | K1    | A1  | B1  |
|  2 | K2    | A2  | B2  |
|  3 | K3    | A3  | B3  |
right_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "key": ["K0", "K1", "K2", "K3"],
        "C": ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3"],
        "D": ["D0", "D1", "D2", "D3"],
|    | key   | C   | D   |
|  0 | K0    | C0  | D0  |
|  1 | K1    | C1  | D1  |
|  2 | K2    | C2  | D2  |
|  3 | K3    | C3  | D3  |
pandas_join_result = pd.merge(left_df, right_df, on="key")
|    | key   | A   | B   | C   | D   |
|  0 | K0    | A0  | B0  | C0  | D0  |
|  1 | K1    | A1  | B1  | C1  | D1  |
|  2 | K2    | A2  | B2  | C2  | D2  |
|  3 | K3    | A3  | B3  | C3  | D3  |

Sometimes, condition joining needs preprocessing in columns; in this case, we can create a temporary column by Pandas .apply (on pd.Series). It also leads to verbose code.

DuckDB Join Statement is more concise. Luckily, we can access Pandas pd.DataFrames objects as DuckDB tables!

result = con.query("""
FROM left_df JOIN right_df ON left_df.key=right_df.key

|    | key   | A   | B   | key_2   | C   | D   |
|  0 | K0    | A0  | B0  | K0      | C0  | D0  |
|  1 | K1    | A1  | B1  | K1      | C1  | D1  |
|  2 | K2    | A2  | B2  | K2      | C2  | D2  |
|  3 | K3    | A3  | B3  | K3      | C3  | D3  |

4. Geospatial analytics

DuckDB provides spatial data management and analysis capabilities (through extension). It allows users to store and manipulate geographic data, including points, lines, and polygons, and perform spatial queries.

DuckDB supports over 50 different formats. We can quickly load the Singapore Map (in GeoJSON format):

INSTALL spatial;
LOAD spatial;

CREATE TABLE singapore_geometry AS 
FROM ST_Read('singapore.json');

geometry_df = con.query("""
FROM singapore_geometry

│  COUNTRY  │   NAME_1   │                                            geom                                             │
│  varchar  │  varchar   │                                          geometry                                           │
│ Singapore │ Central    │ MULTIPOLYGON (((103.8478 1.2222, 103.8489 1.2231, 103.8517 1.2203, 103.8504 1.2141, 103.8…  │
│ Singapore │ East       │ MULTIPOLYGON (((104.0242 1.3656, 104.0386 1.3569, 104.0364 1.3533, 104.0333 1.3536, 104.0…  │
│ Singapore │ North      │ MULTIPOLYGON (((103.8282 1.3665, 103.8271 1.3627, 103.8251 1.3635, 103.8243 1.3618, 103.8…  │
│ Singapore │ North-East │ MULTIPOLYGON (((103.8959 1.3374, 103.8889 1.3336, 103.8851 1.3409, 103.8773 1.3443, 103.8…  │
│ Singapore │ West       │ MULTIPOLYGON (((103.7346 1.175, 103.7419 1.1742, 103.7389 1.1664, 103.7336 1.1669, 103.73…  │

Do a spatial query that checks the location of latitude 1.2966 and longitude 103.7764 in which region (Central, East, North, North-East, West):

which_region_df = con.query("""
FROM singapore_geometry
WHERE ST_Contains(geom, ST_Point(103.7764, 1.2966))
|    | COUNTRY   | NAME_1   |
|  0 | Singapore | Central  |

5. Benchmark

DuckDB is fast and memory-efficient. There are some benchmarks of Polars and DuckDB:

  • DuckDB (database-like ops benchmark):
  • Polars (TPCH Benchmark):