[playground] Tensorflow.Js & Typescript [3]: Modeling

Posted at — Jan 22, 2023

Tensorflow.JS provides an application programming interface similar to Tensorflow (Python API). Although it has few choices (layers, models, optimizers), it is still helpful in some applications that need online learning on client devices.

1. APIs:

Sometimes useful:

2. Example Linear Regression:

Do linear regression in the web browser (for easy visualization). The setup is the same as tutorial 1 with some extra libraries (vega, vega-embed, vega-lite):

Github: https://github.com/quangtiencs/tensorflowjs_typescript_tutorials/tree/main/003_modeling/webbrowser_tensorflowjs_typescript

import { Tensor, Tensor2D, tensor2d } from "@tensorflow/tfjs";
import embed from "vega-embed";
import * as tf from "@tensorflow/tfjs";

try {
  // I know. I'm lazy :-D
} catch (err) {

document.querySelector("#device")!!.innerHTML =
  `Backend by: ${tf.getBackend()}`;

function make_synthetic_data(true_w: number, true_b: number) {
  let x: tf.Tensor1D = tf.randomUniform([100], 0.0, 12.0);
  let noise = tf.randomNormal([100], 0, 1);
  let y = x.mul(tf.scalar(true_w)).add(tf.scalar(true_b)).add(noise);

  return { "x": x, "y": y };

let data = make_synthetic_data(2, 3);

let vegaData: { x: number; y: number }[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.x.size; i++) {
  vegaData.push({ "x": data.x.dataSync()[i], "y": data.y.dataSync()[i] });

let model = tf.sequential();
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ inputShape: [1], units: 1 }));
  optimizer: "sgd",
  loss: "meanSquaredError",


model.fit(data.x, data.y, { epochs: 100 }).then((history) => {
  document.querySelector("#status")!!.innerHTML = "Completed :D";
  document.querySelector("#status")!!.setAttribute("style", "color: green");

  const prediction = (model.predict(data.x) as tf.Tensor)

  //   console.log(`data sync ${prediction}`);

  console.log("[Train Model] Completed!");
  console.log("Loss Here :D");

  let finalPlotData = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < data.x.size; i++) {
      "x": data.x.dataSync()[i],
      "y": data.y.dataSync()[i],
      "y_hat": prediction[i],

  // @ts-ignore
  var speclinear = {
    "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
    "width": 400,
    "height": 200,
    data: {
      values: finalPlotData,
    "layer": [{
      "mark": "circle",
      "encoding": {
        "x": { "field": "x", "type": "quantitative" },
        "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" },
    }, {
      "mark": "line",
      "encoding": {
        "x": { "field": "x", "type": "quantitative" },
        "y": { "field": "y_hat", "type": "quantitative" },

  // @ts-ignore
  embed("#linearregression", speclinear);

var specDataPoint = {
  "$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json",
  "width": 400,
  "height": 200,
  data: {
    values: vegaData,
  "mark": "circle",
  "encoding": {
    "x": { "field": "x", "type": "quantitative" },
    "y": { "field": "y", "type": "quantitative" },

// @ts-ignore
embed("#vis", specDataPoint);

:-) and… don’t forget tf.tidy

Example 1